A Vulcan owner and their spouse or children are considered full members. Riders of other makes and models are referred to as Associate Members. Membership eligibility and membership privileges for Associate Members are at the discretion of each chapter.

Associate Members can, and typically do, have all of the rights and privileges of a full member with one exception – Associate Members cannot be elected as an officer of the club. Because the association is run by the collective group of elected officers from each chapter, only a full member may be elected to office or participate in a vote to elect officers. (see Association Bylaws).

Questions to be Answered

A simple vote to allow Associate Members implies that anyone is eligible to join. How would your members feel if someone arrived uninvited to a meeting on a sportbike and paid the required dues to join? What if they arrived on a scooter? What if they didn’t ride a motorcycle? Addressing these issues earlier, rather than later, might help to avoid an awkward situation.

Discuss the following questions with your members:

  • Who can join as an Associate Member?
    • Do they have to own and ride a motorcycle?
    • Are any types of bike not permissible? (e.g. sport bikes, 50CC scooters).
    • Can an applicant be a complete stranger or do they have to be a friend of an existing member?
    • Can someone ask to join or must they be invited?
    • Does the applicant have to meet certain requirements to be accepted (e.g. applicant must attend a minimum number of rides or events before they can join)
  • Can Associate members vote? (besides elections)
  • Are their dues lower since they do not receive equal membership benefits?
  • Will they receive a club patch, T-shirt or pin when they join?
  • Can they wear a patch? A T-shirt with logo?
  • Do they receive the same member discounts from local businesses that are available to Full Members?

NOTE: To avoid issues of discrimination, membership eligibility should never be put to a vote on a case-by-case basis.

Associate Member Benefits

Associate Members typically have the same benefits as full members:

  • Listed on the website’s member directory as an Associate Member
  • Added to mailing list for all correspondence
    • Newsletter
    • Minutes
    • Invitations to rides and events
    • General Announcements
  • Access to online forum
  • Invitation to attend member-only events (e.g. Christmas party, Summer picnic, etc)